Other writing
The Clebsch cubic surface (left) and the Kummer quartic surface (right).
Etale cohomology
Here are some notes from a topics course of the same name:
- Introduction and Flat Morphisms
- Faithfully Flat Descent
- Unramified and Etale Morphisms
- Sheaves in the Etale Topology
- Local Notions in the Etale Topology
- Etale Cohomology
- Tate and Hodge Conjectures
- Tate and Artin Conjectures
- Zeta Functions and the Weil Conjectures
- Chow Motives
Noncommutative motives
These are lecture notes for a reading seminar with my adviser and another student:
Review of pure motives
- Cycles and Equivalence Relations
- The Category of Pure Motives
- The Standard Conjectures
- Finite Dimensionality
- Finite Dimensionality II
Noncommutative motives
Miscellaneous notes
Here are a variety of notes and and documents that I have written up (mostly for myself) over my time in graduate school. They vary in length and sophistication, and certainly contain many errors (always my own), so I can make no promises on their usefulness.
- The derived McKay correspondence in dimension two. This is a summary of a proof of the derived McKay correspondence, first proven by Kapranov and Vasserot. These notes also contain an introduction to equivariant derived categories (warning: still technically in progress, there are many things to fix and adjust).
- The Calabi conjecture and complex Monge-Ampere equations. This was a talk given as part of a topics course in several complex variables.
- Conjectures on Bridgeland stability for derived Fukaya categories. This is a presentation I gave for a topics course on Fukaya categories. My talk was on the conjectures of Joyce for stability conditions in symplectic topology.