
Directed Reading Program

From Fall 2018 to Fall 2021 I was the coordinator of the Indiana University Directed Reading Program. A directed reading program is an opportunity for graduate students to mentor undergraduates on an advanced topic in mathematics that is not necessarily part of the standard undergraduate regimen. In Spring 2018, I supervised a project on introductory algebraic geometry. The following Spring, the same student and I continued with a project on elliptic curves. Throughout my time as coordinator, other topics that have been chosen are combinatorics, cryptography, representation theory, graph theory, number theory, financial mathematics, and stochastic processes.

Click here to visit the website for the Directed Reading Program at Indiana University. For more information about starting a directed reading program at your institution, please visit this website for more information.


The IU Laboratory of Geometry is a program which aims to promote undergraduate exploration of a focused question in higher mathematics. The overall goal is to provide an experience which is closer to a REU as a opposed to an independent study.

In Spring 2022, I co-mentored a project which aimed to study the number of lines on real cubic surfaces.