About me

I am an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater. I am interested in a variety of topics in algebraic geometry proper, as well as their relation to other fields, such as algebraic topology, homological mirror symmetry, representation theory, and mathematical physics.

My favorite theorem is the Hodge decomposition for compact Kähler manifolds. My second favorite is the Enriques-Babbage theorem.

I was born in northern Delaware, and as a young child, I was very much interested in dinosaurs and wanted to be a Paleontologist. Several new interests later, I attended the University of Delaware for physics, and eventually picked up a degree in mathematics. Turns out that I liked that subject better than the rest of them. After graduating, I moved to Indiana to continue my education.

I enjoy fishing, canoeing, hiking, and other ways of exploring the outdoors. When I’m not outside, I am usually playing tabletop and video games.